Sunday, July 22, 2012

God's Face

I strongly desire to see God’s face more and more each day.  Right now…each day…I’m probably up to a few minutes…total…but we need to start somewhere.  Remember that Keith Green song?   “Lord, you’re beautiful, your face is all I see.”  It’s Keith Green, not scripture, but this is my desire.  I am finding myself desiring to see God’s face.    Because it’s way more than just beautiful.

My thought is that by seeking His face and seeing how good and wonderful He is, I will be drawn to him, and from that relationship  I will be filled with the things I need and those will cause me to become more and more like Him, and will overflow from me to those around me.  I am not a paid professional and I am trying this at home.  

Here is what I envision His face to look like, and this is what I’m seeking.  From reading the Bible and making my best guess, God’s face is:
Radiant.  Moses never saw God’s face…it would have killed Moses…but when God met with Moses, Moses’ face was radiant with the reflection of his meeting with God.

The A’s: 

Accepting, Affirming, Affectionate.  God has demonstrated throughout scripture His complete desire to relate to us, especially by giving Jesus to bridge the gap separating God from us.

The E’s:

Encouraging, Enthusiastic.  It’s clear to me that God is not relating to me because he’s obligated to…he’s relating because he wants to.  It’s what He loves to do. He likes hanging with me.  It’s His idea.  I don’t have to  remind Him…it’s completely the other way around.  He’s ready to go, 24/7.   Who doesn't want that?

The P’s:

Powerful, Protecting  God is all-powerful.  It’s the title you get when you create the universe.  And he’s my dad…he’s going to be there to protect me.  Sometimes I don’t feel safe, but how I feel isn’t always reality either.  In faith, I am completely secure.

Peaceful and Serene.  When you know what's going to happen and have the resources to handle it easily, there won't be much out there to get you riled up.

Nurturing:  Good relationships grow.  God wants our relationship to grow and he nurtures it.

Wise and Knowing.  God knows everything and has all wisdom to use that knowledge.  Nothing surprises Him.  Nothing confuses Him.

You know how commercials tell you you’re supposed to check with your doctor before starting any exercise or diet plan?  Well, I encourage you to pray about this SLOP.  I’ve come to this through a lot of thought and prayer and I think these are easily defended by scripture.  Yet, I’m not a professional and I don’t want to lead anyone astray.

As always, the proof is in the results and hopefully I’ll start seeing some…good or bad…that I can report.

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