Saturday, August 4, 2012

Be-ings and Do-ings

Several years ago I heard a preacher talk about what God meant when God named Himself “I AM.”

This particular preacher said…and I agree with him…that God left the last part of His name blank, like “I AM ______.” Whatever we need, we can fill in the blank.

If I am afraid, than God says, “I AM your protector.” If I’m frustrated, then He says, “I AM your peace.” If I’m confused, then he says, “I AM your understanding.”

In addition to all the amazing things God does for us, He IS…whatever we need. And as I seek to look into His face for all He is, I sense this and I feel I’m becoming much more consistent in my emotions during my day.

This takes faith. Honestly, I don’t feel this way a lot. But we can’t go on by feelings any more than a pilot flying through clouds can go by his feelings of how the plane is flying. He or she needs to check and believe the instruments. I used to pilot 2-seater Cessnas, and was drilled by my instructors to not trust my feelings, but to go with the instruments. Trusting in our feelings will kill us.

I’m glad this is part of the Spiritual Loser's Operations Plan (SLOP). The first SLOPpy step is to pray for faith. In Hebrews 11:6 God says without faith we can’t please Him. A God this good…I want to please Him.

Another thought is that what’s most paramount is our relationship to God, not the things we do. The whole premise of this blog…and I hope it’s right…is that entering into a right, true and meaningful relationship with God will allow Him to heal us, give us joy and peace, and then will empower us to do the things He has for us to do. He provides the initiative, He provides the direction and He provides the power. At the end of the day, He gets all the credit and all the glory since the work is His.

I’ve heard pastors say this, but then sort of downplay it later by implying that we also have to do this and that. I guess I’m going rogue here and will believe that I don’t have to do anything, but just follow the SLOP and make my only goal a better relationship with God. I’ll be my own guinea pig and I’ll let you know if I crash in flames, and we’ll both learn something.

But I believe the Meaning Of Life has Nothing to do with Doing Things For God. But it has Everything to do with Being With God. We are Human Be-ings, Not Human Do-ings. By being with God...talking, listening, relating to Him... we will be spiritually, emotionally, and maybe even physically prepared to do the tasks He has for us. This should be our direction, and our goal, and then we can watch and be amazed as God takes us, changes us, prepares us and sends us to do His will.

My best guess. Pray over it and see what God tells you.

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