Saturday, July 6, 2013

How To Live a Real Life in Jesus

Here's a sermon I worked up on the Beatitudes...Mathew 5: 1-12.  Forgive the formatting.  These are my thoughts on how we can live a true and real life with God.

Sermon on the Mount, Part 1

Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 12:33 PM

Jesus came to give us life.  Life with him.  Life with peace and joy and love.  To the extent we understand and participate in the Sermon on the Mount will be the level at which we are blessed with those things.

  1. What is Life?
    1. Cereal?  John Gilchrist, who played "Mikey' in that Life commercial is now 44.
    2. A Game?  Some people treat it like a game.  Those that do tend to lose.
    3. A criminal sentence?  Some people treat life as if it were a criminal sentence.
    4. At the Univ. of Wash., the 4 columns in its logo are named "Loyalty, Industry, Faith, Efficiency," which spell "LIFE."  (I know that looks like "liffey" to you Cougars, but you'll just have to trust me here.)
    5. Life is what Jesus came to bring us

                                                              i.      Opposite of life is...not death...but "separation"...separation of the soul from the body.  Death is separation.  In the garden, "If you eat of this tree, you will surely die."  What died?  Not Adam and Eve.  But they were separated spiritually from God and that connection died.   But it can be "born again."   How much untold misery over thousands of years has that separation cost the human race?

                                                            ii.      Life is joining soul with body.  True life (when you're born again) is joining God with your soul.  This combination is meant for eternity.

                                                          iii.      John 10:10 says the "thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I come so that they might have life abundantly."  Translation, Satan wants to separate (death) you from God so that he can steal your joy, kill you and destroy your eternal future, but I (Jesus) have come to this world to bring you to me and God so that you will enjoy the life I've given you to the full.

1.      Some say Jesus is some kind of cosmic killjoy.  How completely wrong they are.  Jesus is all about giving us pure, complete, wall to wall joy.

  1. What kind of life did we have before Jesus?
    1. As the sage prophet Crocodile Dundee told the mugger waving a switchblade at him, "That's not a knife...this is a KNIFE."  Translated:

                                                              i.      Your knife is small,

                                                            ii.      ineffective,

                                                          iii.      likely to get you injured,

                                                          iv.      not at all what a real knife should be about.

    1. Likewise, Jesus in the Sermon On The Mount (SOTM) is telling his disciples who've been living in the world's culture, "What you've been told about not a life...this is a LIFE."  Life without Jesus is:

                                                              i.      small/selfish/shallow/empty/unfulfilling

                                                            ii.      ineffective/misguided/materialistic

                                                          iii.      Likely to get you hurt, and others

                                                          iv.      Prone to failure, collapse and sorrow

  1. Three of Jesus' main purposes in the SOTM
    1. Showing us who he is, and what he values

                                                              i.      He then lived them out perfectly to show he "walked the talk"

    1. Showing us who God is and what God values

                                                              i.      John 14:7.  If you really know me, you'll know my father as well

    1. Showing us how to live life

                                                              i.      "I have come to give you life and life abundantly "(more than plenty)

1.      Full of peace

2.      Full of joy

3.      Full of meaning and goodness

4.      Full of hope

5.      Full of substance

6.      Full of adventure

7.      Full of closeness and friendship with God

8.      Satisfying and ultimately victorious in the end

a.       (News flash:  God's team wins in the end)

  1. Problems people have with the Beattitudes
    1. They think they teach you need to be broke, wimpy and sad

                                                              i.      If God says we should be broke wimpy and sad, we should be broke wimpy and sad.  He's God, after all.

                                                            ii.      But that's not God's message at all, as we'll see

    1. They don't make a whole lot of sense

                                                              i.      They are counter-intuitive to how people naturally act.  On first reading they don't make sense

1.      Yet they provide super--natural wisdom to strengthen and heal relationships

a.       The most important things we have on earth are our relationships.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Our relationships define who we are more than any other thing.

b.      Money, status, talents are often curses in disguise, keeping us from focusing on relationships

c.       God is the inventor of relationships.  He knows how they work best...much more than us.  We would be wise to take his advice on relationships.

2.      The beatitudes put us in God's will, in harmony with how we're wired, and the resulting fruit is joy and peace

a.       God knows how we're wired and this is our wiring diagram.  If we want the life God wants for us, this is a guide how to accomplish that.

b.      It's like putting an apple tree in Eastern Wash with good soil, water, etc.  It can't help but bear fruit.

c.       When we live life with God, in God's way, because he wired us, we can't help but bear fruit.

  1. Verse 3:  Blessed Are the Poor In Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
    1. Of all the things he could have said, Jesus starts with this

                                                              i.      Crucial, critical, first point.

    1. Poor In Spirit "Ptochos", opposite of "Proud in Spirit"

                                                              i.      Means "bankrupt in Spirit," a beggar, helpless to change his situation.

1.      God's vision of living for us...his key, crucial, most important thing for us is an intimate, loving, pure, free-flowing relationship with him.  That's it ("I am the vine, you are the branches").  Nothing else in life comes close to this priority or ever will.

a.       Not money

b.      Not earthly status or position

c.       Not works

d.      Christianity...

                                                                                                                                      i.      Is not reading and following the rules of God

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Is not reading and following the rules of Jesus

                                                                                                                                  iii.      Is acknowledging we're bankrupt and helpless inviting the spirit of the living God to dwell in our hearts to change us FTISO (From the Inside Out)

2.      Three types of people

a.       Those that don't want a relationship with God.  They will not enter his Kingdom

b.      Those that want a relationship with God on their own terms, not God's.  They will not enter his Kingdom

c.       Those that want a relationship with God on God's terms.  They will enter his Kingdom.

                                                            ii.      First point...this is where we meet God.  If you want to meet God, you need to meet him at the intersection of Hopeless Street  and Helpless Avenue.  He is found nowhere else.  Our adventure starts here.  It continues here.  And we will journey far if we just stay here.

1.      This is a "salvation" operation, not a joint You & Him self-improvement plan. Your sorry backside needs saving and he needs to save it. 

a.       If you don't think your sorry backside needs saving, then you're on "I'm Doing OK Street" and you'll never bump in to him and you're on your own.

b.      If you think you can help partially, then you're on "I Can Do It Street" and you'll never meet him and you're on your own. 

2.      If you think you can help him save you, you're not at the intersection of Hopeless and Helpless.

a.       Interesting another word for "intersection" is "cross."  It's where we cross paths with God.  And we decide the course of the life we live on this planet, Our Way or God's Way.

b.      There's a word for those who don't want to be bankrupt and helpless:  proud.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Essentially claiming Jesus is wrong

1.      He is not all-knowing

2.      He is not God

3.      He is not savior

a.       Don't like his salvation

b.      Don't need his salvation

c.       Don't care about his salvation

4.      They know "better than God"

5.      Want to alter his New Testament

a.       Jesus' New Testament is a "take it or leave it" deal

b.      It is not open to alterations

c.       Pride is a terrible terrible thing because it is a separator.  It is both subtle and brutal.  It is stealthy and deadly.  It is the enemy's chief tool to rip you off and rip you up.  You want to see your life turn bad...take a healthy dose of pride and watch your life head down the toilet.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Pride says, "I'm better than you.  So, I don't need to treat you well.  I don't need to serve you.  I can take from you....or simply ignore you or make your life miserable." Pride is the seed of hatred, amongst other things.  Rather than joining, it separates.  As we saw earlier, what's a synonym for separation?  Death. Death to relationships.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Pride separated Lucifer from God

                                                                                                                                  iii.      It is totally how the natural man wired.

1.      Natural man is looking for self-justification, a purpose and identity

a.       God has given a purpose and identity...

                                                                                                                                                                                                              i.      love relationship as a child of God (identity)

                                                                                                                                                                                                            ii.      Work, with gifts God gave (purpose)

                                                                                                                                                                                                          iii.      Results in harmony with God, peace, joy, satisfaction, etc.

b.      Without God, we cope by looking inside for purpose and identity which will always cause problems.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              i.      Causes unhealthy, unbalanced relationships (based on self-satisfaction and taking)

                                                                                                                                                                                                            ii.      Self-justification causes need to be better than others (pride)

                                                                                                                                                                                                          iii.      Or, if they don't measure up, self-condemnation, withdrawl

                                                                                                                                                                                                          iv.      Self-medication tends to result from these unhealthy states

c.       Reason for existence

                                                                                                                                                                                                              i.      self-actualization, want to be who I'm supposed to be.  If you look internally for who you should be, they probably don't match God's plans for who you should be.

3.      If you look for him at the corner of Spiritual Blvd and Good Works Parkway, you might be able to fake others out into thinking you've got a good relationship with God.  You'll have company.  That's where the Pharisees hang out.

                                                          iii.      If we miss this point, we're going to miss God and his kingdom.

1.      God says we need to be "connected," not just "in the vicinity."  Vine and branches.  If the branches are simply "near" the vine they die.

2.      Imagine interviewing anyone now in heaven, or a seasoned saint who's been walking with God and ask them if it was worth the trip to the corner of Hopeless & Helpless.  Every single one will tell you what a blessing it has been.

  1. Verse 4:  Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted
    1. Though it applies to all who are saddened by struggles in life, used a lot at funerals...
    2. Greek word "Pentheo" seems to indicate it really means those who are remorseful and mourn over our spiritual state (see: Bankrupt and Helpless above)

                                                              i.      Recognizing the price God had to pay to rescue us from our unsaved condition.

    1. No one likes to mourn, but in this fallen world, it has a purpose

                                                              i.      Causes us to look to God for comfort

                                                            ii.      Reminds us we are not yet home, where there will be no mourning

                                                          iii.      Recognizing our bankrupt spiritual state keeps pride at bay

1.      Some Christians seem to think that spiritual people always look like they just ate a lemon.  Joy and laughter are frowned upon.

2.      While we acknowledge and glance at our sinfulness, we quickly turn and focus on Jesus, who has forgiven our sins, cleansed us, adopted us and fellowships with us.

a.       So Christians live in a state of spiritual tension...recognizing our sins, but agreeing with God they are forgiven and our relationship is perfectly restored.  This "pull" keeps us from getting proud (since I'm a sinner)...or overly depressed (since God sees me as pure) and brings us to a place in between, blessed, peaceful dependence on  and loved by God.

  1. Verse 5:  Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
    1. When we realize we are bankrupt (verse 3) and still can enter God's kingdom and are comforted (verse 4), the spirit moves us to want to follow after God and not our flesh anymore.  We become "meek."
    2. Many Christians don't like this verse because they are misinformed and think that "meek" means "milquetoast" or "timid and week" or "pushover."
    3. Not at all.  The Greek word is "praus."  This is an equestrian term for a wild horse which is now tame enough to ride.  All the strength, all the power, all the toughness.  Just obedient to authority.
    4. Other examples:

                                                              i.      Jesus himself was described as meek.  Unfathomable power completely yielded to the father.

                                                            ii.      If you remember Reggie White of the Eagles and Packers.  Aggressive when it was right to be aggressive, calm when it was right to be calm.  Strength under control.

                                                          iii.      A Navy Seal or Army Ranger might be a good example if they're under control of their commander and God.

                                                          iv.      Another example would be a seeing eye dog. 

1.      It's totally focused on its master, it's working every moment to please its master.  It's on the lookout to aid the master in every way.

2.      Doesn't run off to play or provoke any incidents

3.      If the master is accosted, it will defend ferociously

4.      Completely loyal, affectionate

5.      Valuable commodity...a well-trained guide dog can run $50,000.

6.      (NOTE: While the dog is a great example of meekness (power under control), don't think that God needs us to watch over him and protect or defend him.  The analogy does not apply there.  It is he who is watching over and protecting us.)

    1. The meek will inherit the earth

                                                              i.      An inheritance is something you didn't earn, which is being given to you as a gift

                                                            ii.      We don't earn salvation.  It's given to us.  Our response to this gift is gratitude and an invitation to the Holy Spirit to change us, and he comes into our heart and changes us into his image by his grace, so that we conform to his image and begin more and more acting like Jesus.

1.      If we, for one moment, believe anything we're doing is helping us earn or increase his love, acceptance, or our salvation (which we already have in full and cannot be increased), then we are working to approach God via the Law.  In which case the whole law applies and you must to bear the burden of perfection to enter his kingdom.  Good luck with that.  Tell me how that works out for you.

a.       This is where I got hung up for years.  I didn't believe I was truly loved, so I worked to get love from God and others.   It made for an unhealthy, works relationship with God, and unhealthy, needy relationship with others.

  1. Verse 6:   Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.
    1. Follow the flow of the beatitudes.  We come to God bankrupt and are taken in.  We mourn for our sin and are comforted, we give ourselves to him and come under his control, the result of which we begin a hunger and thirst for righteousness.
    2. As we walk with him and fellowship with him (roots), we develop a new kind of spiritual craving as this new life inside of us begins to grow.

                                                              i.      Hunger/thirst, bodily that grows until the craving is met.

                                                            ii.      Presently I hunger and thirst for Twinkies and Pepsi and fill in spare time with God stuff.

                                                          iii.      I can't wait till my primary hunger and thirst is for God's righteousness and fill in the spare time with Twinkies and Pepsi.

                                                          iv.      You cannot create a hunger.  Hunger happens as a result of a need from the body.  Same with the soul.  God will create the hunger.

    1. ...and he will fill it.  So he creates the need, fills the need and we are blessed in the process.
    2. The two verbs are in a "constant" the proper translation is "Blessed are those who are constantly hungering and thirsting for righteousness, for they are constantly being filled.
  1. Verse 7.  Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
    1. Next step of God's process...We've met God on his terms and he's taken us in, we've mourned over our sins, and he has us under control.  We're continually hungering and thirsting for righteousness and we're being continually filled. As we have trusted in him and not ourselves to cleanse us, we begin to experience more and more of his mercy and find ourselves sharing it with others.
    2. Church people seem to fail this test

                                                              i.      Come across as angry and bitter at sinners

                                                            ii.      As if we were any better

                                                          iii.      Mature people will pray for others and focus on what's best for non-Christians...

                                                          iv.      Too often Christians play the "judgment card" and it's not nearly as effective as the "love and mercy" card

    1. Mercy is one of Jesus' major traits.
    2. Matthew 7.  Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
    3. Mercy is a froot.  You cannot make yourself merciful.  This comes as a froot of the relationship, so don't strive for mercy.

                                                              i.      An apple farmer can wander through his orchard and grimace and moan and hop up and down when he doesn't see mature apples.  But it won't help grow fruit.

                                                            ii.      The farmer can't "grow" fruit

                                                          iii.      He doesn't even know "why" fruit grows, but God does.

                                                          iv.      He doesn't know "how" fruit grows, but God does.

                                                            v.      But if he focuses on things like soil, water, pesticides, temperature, trees wired as they are...will produce fruit

                                                          vi.      Likewise, we should not worry about froot.  We should not grimace and moan and hop up and down about lack of good froot.

                                                        vii.      Instead, we concentrate on meeting Jesus.  Where?  Intersection of Hopeless Street and Helpless Avenue.  You meet him there and you....wired as you are...will produce froot.

                                                      viii.      God says his yoke is easy and his burden is light.  He does the heavy lifting.  We just abide and let him grow the froots.

                                                          ix.      In Germany, they call this "rootzenfrootzen."

                                                            x.      No, they don't.

                                                          xi.      But they should.

  1. Verse 8: Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.
    1. Translated: "Blessed are those who are becoming more pure in heart, as they will be seeing God more clearly."  As an added benefit of allowing Jesus to work in our hearts, we'll have a better and better vision of God.
    2. What a blessing to be able to see God more clearly each day...until the day we will look God in the face as he welcomes us to eternity with him and join the multitudes who live in the unrestrained joy, love and peace of his presence.
    3. It's important to note that Jesus did not say "Blessed are those who keep the rules", or "blessed are those who strive to look good."
    4. All throughout this discourse Jesus is not speaking of outward actions,  but inward attitudes.  Jesus is primarily concerned with the heart.

                                                              i.      Unlike the Law, which is primarily concerned with outward righteousness, Jesus is concerned with inward righteousness

1.      All spiritual changes are FTISO, not FTOSI (from the outside in)

2.      There is a great temptation for us to minister to others FTOSI.   "Get a haircut."  "Get a job."  "Stop being an idiot."  But these are all ineffective because they are not FTISO.

3.      This requires we look at Jesus as we minister.

                                                            ii.      If the inward attitudes are solved, you'll have no problem with the outside ones.

                                                          iii.      Jesus/God are both internally 
 pure...this, like all the other beatitudes, describes who Jesus and God are
                                                          iv.      Heaven is not filled with people who led good lives.  Heaven is filled with sinful people who trusted in Jesus to constantly clean up their sin.

    1. How do we break out from this spiritual acting out and have God purify our hearts.  See verse 3.  We recognize we're spiritually bankrupt and destitute and meet God at the corner of Helpless and Hopeless.  That's where the journey on this yellow brick road starts... and continues...all the way to heaven.  Any advances we make are made by him as we cling to him.
  1. Verse 9:  Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.  Right there!  There!  God is calling us to be his beloved children.  It's the whole point of our ride on This Big Blue Ball.  He wants us to enter the relationship where he's our loving daddy.
    1. As we progress in our walk with God (v. 3-8), we will begin to show an outward focus.  The love he has for us begins to move outward as unselfish serving of others.  This is a fruit of spiritual maturity confirming God's work in our hearts.
    2. The word "peacemaker" here seems to be a progressive word.  It implies:

                                                              i.      We have God's peace in our hearts

                                                            ii.      We minister God's peace in our sphere of influence

                                                          iii.      We maintain God's peace as we move forward

    1. The result is that we will be his children

                                                              i.      We are in an intimate relationship with him

                                                            ii.      We act like he acts (A "chip off the old block")

                                                          iii.      We minister his peace, even where others do not want his peace

1.      We will find ourselves walking with God, experiencing resistance from those opposed to God's peace.

  1. Verses 10 & 11:  Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
    1. It's important to know that this does not mean everyone who is persecuted for taking a Godly stance is blessed.

                                                              i.      Many Christians take godly stances, but defend them with fleshly acts...accusations, judgmentalism, self-righteousness, etc.  They think they are being persecuted for God's sake, when they're really being persecuted because they are foolish and rude.

                                                            ii.      They are not humbled in spirit (verse 3)

                                                          iii.      They are not mourning over their own sins verse 4)

                                                          iv.      They are not meek...under God's control (verse 5)

                                                            v.      They are not hungering for God's righteousness (verse 6)

                                                          vi.      They are not merciful (verse 7)

                                                        vii.      They are not seeing God (verse 8)

                                                      viii.      They are not bringing God's peace (verse 9)

                                                          ix.      They jump right to flesh-led action instead of spirit-induced action and the results are both tragic and expected.  They "minister" FTOSI while condemning others and leave spiritual carnage in their wake.  Then they go home at night, proud of themselves for suffering for God's sake when in fact they've been nothing more than Pharisaical fools.  God loves them but now needs to go pick up after the mess they caused.

                                                            x.      How church people love to jump to verse 10 without considering verses 1-9.  How long will I be such a fool?

    1. This is the final spiritual "fruit" that Jesus speaks of in the beatitudes.  It doesn't seem like a fruit we'd enjoy, but it's the mark of maturity.  It's the proof of a healthy, mature Christian life.  It's the sign of approval from God on a man or woman fully under God's righteous influence.

                                                              i.      A man or woman who so prizes their relationship with God that they will gladly lay down comfort, status, position, ownership in the world for his sake.

                                                            ii.      And if you asked them if it was worth it, they would say, "Of course.  What I lost matters little to what I gain each day with Christ."

                                                          iii.      They do not groan or complain because the spirit is so full in their lives that they see God (verse 8) and they see they're another step closer to that final untethered relationship with God.

                                                          iv.      And if you were to ask them how they achieved this level of they attained the status of a spiritual they grew to be a mighty oak standing strong against the battering elements...what would they say? 

1.      Would you hear their secret strategy?

2.      Would they share with you their inside tricks

3.      Would they tell you how they could be strong when others were not?

4.      No.  They would sit you down, shake their heads and say, "You know, I don't really know if I've done anything so great at all.  In fact I can't take credit for any of it.  God kept growing me, and the circumstances sort of happened.  But let me tell you something.  I remember one day, long ago, when I realized what a total worthless bankrupt person I was, and how I had no power to change it.  Then, or now.  I realized I was getting worse and not better.  But my life changed one day when  I heard a little voice from soul, or whatever you call it...and it said, 'take this next left on Hopeless Street.  Stop the car when you get to Helpless Avenue.  There's someone there waiting for you.  Right now.  And he wants to be your Dad."


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