Tuesday, March 31, 2015

That's Where the Joy Comes From...

It wasn’t LeBron’s night.  Uncharacteristic missed shots and fouls had put him on the bench in the play-off game’s second quarter.  Yet at each time-out, he was the first one up to greet the team, smiling, encouraging them, and slapping backs.  As the broadcast headed to commercial, the analyst said, “When you put the team ahead of yourself, that’s where the joy comes from.”  That struck me.  “When you put the team ahead of yourself…”


Really, if we can have just joy and peace, we don’t need anything else…money, TV’s, cars, significant others, power, palaces, etc.   Our culture tells us that these things bring joy and fulfillment, and so off we go in search of them.  Of course, they don’t bring us joy or peace at all.


What brings us those is laying down our lives before Jesus and he begins to grow real joy and true peace in us.  Putting “Team Jesus” ahead of yourself…


But that’s the problem.  I’m not wired that way.  My default setting is placing myself at the top of the marquee.  Jesus can be my supporting actor.  It’s my movie, I’m the star, and you all are the extras.  Everyone, let’s focus on me please.


This produces several results:  pride, frustration, impatience, anxiety are a few.  It’s one of life’s ironies that the very thing we’re wired to do (putting ourselves first) is what causes so much grief and pain.  For ourselves and others.


When we agree to step down from our self-issued celebrity pedestal and embrace the role of “extra” in Jesus’ movie, we’re on our way to a happier, peaceful, more fulfilling life. 


It’s not easy to do.  In fact, I believe it’s impossible to do on our own.  We’ll need to be in prayer, asking God to work with us to focus on him, not ourselves. 


Living for myself is a vain, lonely, arid wasteland.  Living for something bigger than myself is a fulfilling adventure.  And when you put the team ahead of yourself…

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